Tomorrow, as we celebrate Easter, I wanted to write a blog
to remember why it is that we are celebrating this day. It is not about the
chocolate bunnies, or marshmallow chicks, or the egg hunts with little prizes
inside. It is so much more. It is a day we celebrate that we are no longer
under the penalty of death. It is a day to celebrate that we are able to come
before the throne of God freely and without restriction. It is a day to
remember that without Jesus’ resurrection, none of us would have the hope of eternal
Other Way
In the Old Testament, we have read the requirements that
Israel had to fulfill in order to be cleansed and washed from their sins. There
were animal sacrifices that were made to remove the sins from the people. Today
we celebrate the fulfillment of those requirements because of Jesus. Jesus has, “wiped out the handwriting of
requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it
out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). I love that.
He nailed it to the cross using His own body as a fulfillment for all to see; for
“He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy,
and blameless, and above reproach in [God’s] sight” (Colossians 1:21-22). There
was no other way but His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead to make
us right with God the Father.
God’s desire was to have relationship with us. But sin entered
the world through Adam and the Godhead knew that in order to fulfill the
requirements, God Himself had to come down from His throne and be made flesh to
become the ultimate sacrifice. No other god worshipped by man throughout
history has ever or will ever top what Almighty God did for us. There is no
other, but God, who loved you and me that much to leave His glorious splendor and
enter this dark world to save us.
Other Message
We live in a world that would like to tell you that you
need to do more than just believe in Christ for your salvation. That is not
true. It says in Colossians 2:10 that we are complete in Him. There is nothing
lacking; nothing is missing or left undone. There is nothing left to do or add
to the Gospel in order to be saved. He is all that is required; there is no
other requirement to be fulfilled.
In the book of Colossians, Paul writes to the Colossae
church warning the church about false teachings. He writes, “Beware lest anyone
cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of
men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to
Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are
complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (Colossians
This is a warning for all of us even today. These false teachings are
still being weaved into man’s doctrines, deceiving even the very elect. How
arrogant of men to think that they could possibly do more than Christ already
accomplished. That in some way He failed to do it all, so therefore it is up to
us to complete it. If you are being taught that you need Jesus plus something else to be saved, I can
tell you that that teaching is not biblical. The only boasting we have is that
we are saved by Christ and Christ alone and let no man persuade you into
believing that that was not enough.
and Set
Therefore, “If you were raised with Christ [believing
that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and that He is the Son of God the Father who
came to die that you may live], (then) seek those things which are
above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God, and set your
mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life
is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:1-3). Let our lives be a reflection
of Him and let us celebrate His triumphant victory over sin and death this
Resurrection Sunday with glad hearts and songs of praise.
If you have read the above message and you do not have an
intimate and personal relationship with God and desire one, or want to renew
your walk with God, I invite you to speak this prayer and begin to experience
what can only be experienced with Him.
God, I am a sinner and in need of a Savior. I believe that because of your deep
love for me, You sent Your only begotten son, Jesus, to this earth to die on
the cross and nail the handwritten requirements that I could never fulfill in
this fleshly body. I desire to have a personal and intimate relationship with
You that can only be had by believing in Jesus and His sacrifice. Jesus cleanse
me of my past sins and make me into a new creation. Use my life to bring you
glory, honor and praise from this point on. It is by no other name but the name
of Jesus Christ, that I seek salvation this day. Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, I welcome you into the
family of God. Get connected with a true Bible believing church and begin to
experience the richness of His love for you.